All 12 maps of the Outdoor Trail Maps LLC Colorado Wilderness Map Series, Volume 1 – plus the Rocky Mountain National Park Map sold as a complete set. This set saves you 27% off the full price of the maps included.
All waterproof, tear-resistant topographic hiking maps covering 16+ wilderness areas across Colorado, this set contains the following map titles:
Rocky Mountain National Park  1:50,000 Scale
Collegiate Peaks Wilderness  1:52,000 Scale
Comanche Peak Wilderness  1:40,000 Scale
Eagles Nest Wilderness  1:52,000 Scale
Flat Tops Wilderness  1:60,000 Scale
Holy Cross Wilderness  1:48,000 Scale
Hunter-Fryingpan / Mount Massive Wilderness  1:44,000 Scale
Indian Peaks / James Peak Wilderness  1:48,000 Scale
Lizard Head / Mount Sneffels Wilderness  1:40,000 Scale
Lost Creek Wilderness  1:48,000 Scale
Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness  1:50,000 Scale
Mount Evans Wilderness 1:40,000 Scale
Rawah Wilderness  1:44,000 Scale