
The West Magnolia Trailhead just south of Nederland, CO provides access to eight miles of singletrack trails for hiking, biking and horseback riding west of the Peak-to-Peak Highway. An additional eight miles of Forest Roads are open seasonally to motorized and non-motorized activities. Along these roadways are designated campsites. Camping is allowed within 50 feet of the campsite markers, and there are no facilities of any kind.

When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 2,051 acres US Forest Service:
Boulder Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 20 8,360ft - 9,970ft

West Magnolia Trail System Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Aspen Alley Trail
2 - Clear Cut Trail
3 - Connector Trail
4 - Handshake Trail
5 - Hobbit 1 Trail #927
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Aspen Alley Trail
2 - Clear Cut Trail
3 - Connector Trail
4 - Handshake Trail
5 - Hobbit 1 Trail #927
6 - Hobbit 2 Trail #927
7 - Hobbit 3 Trail #927
8 - Lookout Trail
9 - Observatory Connect Trail
10 - Observatory Spur Trail
11 - Observatory Spur Trail 2
12 - Observatory Spur Trail 3
13 - Observatory Trail
14 - Old Horse Trail
15 - Re Root Trail
16 - Rocks and Roots Trail
17 - School Bus Trail #929
18 - Sugar Magnolia Trail #926
19 - SuperVu Trail
20 - Trail #926F
21 - West Magnolia Area Trails 11
22 - West Magnolia Area Trails 8
23 - West Magnolia Area Trails 9
24 - Whoop-di-dos Trail
Area Trailheads:
1 - Hobbit 3 Trail #927
2 - Hobbit 3 Trail #927
3 - Sugar Magnolia Trail #926
4 - West Magnolia Area Trails 12
5 - West Magnolia Area Trails 2
6 - West Magnolia Area Trails 5
Area Campgrounds: