
Hillshading Background

Taylor Park, CO in Central Colorado is an area known to many outdoor recreationalists for its great fishing, extensive motorized trail system and hiking. Just west of the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness and northeast of Gunnison, CO, hiking trails in this area cover an extension section of the Gunnison National Forest leading to the Elk Mountains to the west and to the Sawatch Range to the east.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 101,672 acres US Forest Service:
Gunnison Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 133 8,350ft - 12,740ft

Taylor Park Area Hiking Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Doctor Park Cutoff Loop Trail #9424.1B
2 - Doctor Park Trail #9424
3 - Five Mile Creek Trail #9433
4 - Hillerton Trail #9632 - MOTORIZED
5 - Lily Pond Trail #9534 - MOTORIZED
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Doctor Park Cutoff Loop Trail #9424.1B
2 - Doctor Park Trail #9424
3 - Five Mile Creek Trail #9433
4 - Hillerton Trail #9632 - MOTORIZED
5 - Lily Pond Trail #9534 - MOTORIZED
6 - Matchless Trail #9413
7 - Old Mine Road Trail
8 - Old Mine Road Trail 2
9 - Sanford Trail #9584 - MOTORIZED
10 - South Lottis Trail #9428
11 - Star Lily Connector Trail #9623 - MOTORIZED
12 - Star Trail #9411 - MOTORIZED
13 - Summerville Trail #9430
14 - Taylor River Trail #9600
15 - Texas Creek South Access Trail
16 - Texas Lakes Trail #589 - MOTORIZED
17 - Texas Ridge Trail #9571
18 - Timberline Trail #414 Texas Lakes Spur - MOTORIZED
19 - Timberline Trail #9414
20 - Timberline Trail South #9414 - MOTORIZED
21 - Trail 414.1A - MOTORIZED
Area Trailheads:
1 - Doctor Park Trail #9424
2 - Doctor Park Trail #9424
3 - Five Mile Creek Trail #9433
4 - Hillerton Trail #9632
5 - Lily Pond Trail #9534
Area Trailheads:
1 - Doctor Park Trail #9424
2 - Doctor Park Trail #9424
3 - Five Mile Creek Trail #9433
4 - Hillerton Trail #9632
5 - Lily Pond Trail #9534
6 - Matchless Trail #9413
7 - Matchless Trail #9413
8 - Sanford Trail #9584
9 - South Lottis Trail #9428
10 - Star Trail #9411
11 - Star Trail #9411
12 - Summerville Trail #9430
13 - Taylor River Trail #9600
14 - Texas Lakes Trail
15 - Texas Ridge Trail #9571
16 - Timberline Trail #9414
17 - Timberline Trail South #9414
18 - Timberline Trail South #9414
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Cold Spring Campground - Gunnison RD
2 - Dinner Station Campground - Gunnison RD
3 - Dorchester Campground - Gunnison RD
4 - Granite Tent Campground - Gunnison RD
5 - Lakeview Campground - Gunnison RD
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Cold Spring Campground - Gunnison RD
2 - Dinner Station Campground - Gunnison RD
3 - Dorchester Campground - Gunnison RD
4 - Granite Tent Campground - Gunnison RD
5 - Lakeview Campground - Gunnison RD
6 - Lodgepole Campground - Gunnison RD
7 - Lottis Creek Campground - Gunnison RD
8 - Mirror Lake Campground - Gunnison RD
9 - North Bank Campground - Gunnison RD
10 - One Mile Campground - Gunnison RD
11 - Rivers End Campground - Gunnison RD
12 - Rosy Lane Campground - Gunnison RD