
Hillshading Background

The largest state park in the Colorado Parks and Wildlife system is State Forest State Park in the Medicine Bow Mountains (and part of the northern part of the Never Summer Range to the south) of northern Colorado. This 71,000-acre park is a hikers paradise with forested hills, alpine tundra, high mountain lakes and rugged peaks above treeline. This area is also known for its wildlife viewing opportunities - especially moose - but draws visitors for camping (including cabins and yurts for rent), hiking, off-road driving, equestrian riding, snowmobiling and more. Backcountry camping is allowed in certain parts of the park including Ruby Jewel Lake, Clear Lake and American Lake. This is a fee area, and a park pass is required for vehicles parked anywhere in the park.

Hillshading Background
Location overview of Rawah Wilderness Hiking Map

CO Wilderness Series Maps

Rawah Wilderness Hiking Map


CO Wilderness Series Map Packs

Fort Collins Area Backpacking Map Set

When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 71,353 acres Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed on leash 136 8,160ft - 12,680ft

State Forest State Park Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - American Lakes Trail
2 - Beaver Lodge Nature Trail
3 - Beaver Lodge Upper Loop Nature Trail
4 - Clear Lake - Kelly Lake Connector Trail
5 - Clear Lake - Kelly Lake Cutoff Trail
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - American Lakes Trail
2 - Beaver Lodge Nature Trail
3 - Beaver Lodge Upper Loop Nature Trail
4 - Clear Lake - Kelly Lake Connector Trail
5 - Clear Lake - Kelly Lake Cutoff Trail
6 - Clear Lake Trail
7 - Crags Trail
8 - Custer Draw Trail
9 - East Sand Dunes Area Trails 1
10 - East Sand Dunes Area Trails 2
11 - East Sand Dunes Area Trails 3
12 - East Sand Dunes Area Trails 4
13 - East Sand Dunes Trail
14 - Gould Loop Trail
15 - Hidden Valley Trail
16 - HohnKolz Lakes Trail #143.A
17 - Jack Dickens Trail
18 - Kelly Lake South Trail
19 - Kelly Lake Trail
20 - Lake Agnes Trail
21 - Lumberjack Trail
22 - McIntyre Trail #966
23 - Medicine Bow Trail #965
24 - Mendenhall Trail
25 - Michigan Ditch Trail
26 - Michigan Lakes High Trail
27 - Montgomery Pass North Trail - Primitive
28 - Montgomery Pass Trail #986
29 - Never Summer Connector Rout - Primitive
30 - Never Summer Spur Trail
31 - Never Summer Trail #1141.1
32 - North Canadian Trail
33 - Pennock Trail
34 - Ranger Lakes Nature Trail
35 - Ruby Jewel Spur Trail
36 - Ruby Jewel Trail
37 - Seven Utes Access Trail
38 - Seven Utes Trail
39 - Thunder Pass Cutoff Trail
40 - Thunder Pass Trail
41 - Ute Pass Trail
42 - Yurt Spur Trail
43 - Yurt Spur Trail 2
44 - Zimmerman Lake Trail #977
Area Trailheads:
1 - American Lakes Trail
2 - Beaver Lodge Nature Trail
3 - Beaver Lodge Nature Trail
4 - Beaver Lodge Upper Loop Nature Trail
5 - Corral Spur Trail
Area Trailheads:
1 - American Lakes Trail
2 - Beaver Lodge Nature Trail
3 - Beaver Lodge Nature Trail
4 - Beaver Lodge Upper Loop Nature Trail
5 - Corral Spur Trail
6 - Crags Trail
7 - Custer Draw Trail
8 - Custer Draw Trail
9 - East Sand Dunes Area Trails 1
10 - Gould Loop Trail
11 - Jack Dickens Trail
12 - Kelly Lake South Trail
13 - Lake Agnes Trail
14 - Lumberjack Trail
15 - Medicine Bow Trail #965
16 - Mendenhall Trail
17 - Mendenhall Trail
18 - Montgomery Pass Trail #986
19 - Montgomery Pass Trail #986
20 - Pennock Trail
21 - Ruby Jewel Trail
22 - Seven Utes Trail
23 - Zimmerman Lake Trail #977
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Aspen Campground
2 - Pines Campground