
The Wet Mountains of Colorado are often overlooked as recreationalists seek out areas with fourteener peaks, lakes and alpine terrain, etc., but the southern portion of the Wet Mountains has plenty of beauty and challenging trails - both motorized and non-motorized - for outdoor adventurers. The Greenhorn Highway cuts right through the heart of the Wet Mountains with a variety of trailheads along the way. Also known as the Greenhorn Mountains, this area is a subrange of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, whose Sangre de Cristo Range to the west attracts more visitors, leaving the Wet Mountains with fewer crowds and greater opportunity for solitude.

Location overview of Greenhorn Mountain Wilderness / Spanish Peaks Wilderness Map
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 116,792 acres US Forest Service:
San Carlos Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 104 5,820ft - 11,790ft

South Wet Mountains Area Hiking Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Babcock Hole Trail #1364
2 - Cisneros Trail #1314 - MOTORIZED
3 - Coupler Trail #1386 - MOTORIZED
4 - Devil's Canyon Trail
5 - Dome Rock Trail #1387 - MOTORIZED
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Babcock Hole Trail #1364
2 - Cisneros Trail #1314 - MOTORIZED
3 - Coupler Trail #1386 - MOTORIZED
4 - Devil's Canyon Trail
5 - Dome Rock Trail #1387 - MOTORIZED
6 - Horse Ranch Trail #1397 - MOTORIZED
7 - Lake Isabel Shore Trail
8 - Lewis Creek Trail #1329
9 - Lookout Point Trail
10 - Mace Trail
11 - Mason Gulch Trail #1363
12 - Middel Hardscrabble Trail #1328
13 - Middle Creek Spur Trail #1388.A - MOTORIZED
14 - Middle Creek Trail #1388 - MOTORIZED
15 - Millset Trail #1317
16 - Mountain Park Trail #1385
17 - North Creek Trail #1325 - MOTORIZED
18 - Northridge Trail
19 - Pole Creek Spur Trail #1380 - MOTORIZED
20 - Pole Creek Trail #1398 - MOTORIZED
21 - Ranger Trail
22 - Rudolph Mountain Trail #1327
23 - Saint Charles Trail #1326 - MOTORIZED
24 - San Carlos Trail #1320 - MOTORIZED
25 - Second Mace Spur Trail #1322.A - MOTORIZED
26 - Second Mace Trail #1322 - MOTORIZED
27 - Silver Circle Trail #1323 - MOTORIZED
28 - Snowslide Access Trail - MOTORIZED
29 - Snowslide Trail #1318 - MOTORIZED
30 - South Creek Trail #1321 - MOTORIZED
31 - Spur Trail - PRIMITIVE
32 - Squirrel Creek Trail #1384 - MOTORIZED
33 - Tower Trail
34 - Trail #1399 - MOTORIZED
35 - Turkey Creek Trail #1315
36 - Unknown Name Trail - MOTORIZED
37 - Wachob Trail #1319 - MOTORIZED
Area Trailheads:
1 - Babcock Hole Trail #1364
2 - Babcock Hole Trail #1364
3 - Cisneros Trail #1314 - MOTORIZED
4 - Cisneros Trail #1314 - MOTORIZED
5 - Devil's Canyon Trail
Area Trailheads:
1 - Babcock Hole Trail #1364
2 - Babcock Hole Trail #1364
3 - Cisneros Trail #1314 - MOTORIZED
4 - Cisneros Trail #1314 - MOTORIZED
5 - Devil's Canyon Trail
6 - Lake Isabel Trailhead
7 - Lewis Creek Trail #1331
8 - Lewis Creek Trail #1331
9 - Mason Gulch Trail #1363
10 - Mason Gulch Trail #1363
11 - Middel Hardscrabble Trail #1328
12 - Middel Hardscrabble Trail #1328
13 - Millset Trail #1317
14 - North Creek Trail #1325 - MOTORIZED
15 - North Creek Trail #1325 - MOTORIZED
16 - Pole Creek Trail #1398 - MOTORIZED
17 - Rudolph Mountain Trail #1327
18 - Rudolph Mountain Trail #1327
19 - Saint Charles Trail #1326 - MOTORIZED
20 - San Carlos Trail #1320 - MOTORIZED
21 - San Carlos Trail #1320 - MOTORIZED
22 - Second Mace Spur Trail #1322.A - MOTORIZED
23 - Second Mace Trail #1322 - MOTORIZED
24 - Silver Circle Trail #1323 - MOTORIZED
25 - Snowslide Trail #1318 - MOTORIZED
26 - Snowslide Trail #1318 - MOTORIZED
27 - South Creek Trail #1321 - MOTORIZED
28 - Squirrel Creek Trail #1384 - MOTORIZED
29 - Squirrel Creek Trail #1384 - MOTORIZED
30 - Tower Trail
31 - Trail #1399 - MOTORIZED
32 - Wachob Trail #1319 - MOTORIZED
33 - West Cisneros Trailhead
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Davenport Campground
2 - La Vista Campground
3 - Ophir Creek Campground
4 - Ponderosa Group Campground
5 - Southside Campground
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Davenport Campground
2 - La Vista Campground
3 - Ophir Creek Campground
4 - Ponderosa Group Campground
5 - Southside Campground
6 - Spruce Group Campground
7 - St. Charles Campground