
Hillshading Background

The Red Rock Canyon Open Space is a Colorado Springs-area park in Red Rock Canyon that is known for its red-colored sedimentary rock formations and canyons. Purchased by the city of Colorado Springs in 2003, Red Rock Canyon Opens Space today consists of an extensive trail network that also connects into the Palmer-Section 16 Loop trail to the south and the Paul Intemann Nature Trail leading to Manitou Springs to the west.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 5AM-9PM 1,478 acres City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed on leash for most areas, off-leash in the Upper and Lower Dog Loops. 33 6,140ft - 8,020ft

Red Rock Canyon Open Space Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Contemplative Trail
2 - Cordell Trail
3 - Greenlee Trail
4 - Hogback Valley Trail
5 - Lion Trail
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Contemplative Trail
2 - Cordell Trail
3 - Greenlee Trail
4 - Hogback Valley Trail
5 - Lion Trail
6 - Lower Dog Loop Trail
7 - Lower Hogback Trail
8 - Lower Hogback Upper Loop Trail
9 - Meadowlark Trail
10 - Mesa Cutoff Trail
11 - Mesa Trail
12 - New Meadows Alt Trail
13 - Overlook Trail
14 - Palmer - Section 16 Trail
15 - Parallel Trail
16 - Paul Intemann Nature Trail
17 - Paul Intemann - New Meadows Connector Trail
18 - Quarry Pass Trail
19 - Red Rock Canyon Acess Trail
20 - Red Rock Canyon Path Trail
21 - Red Rock Canyon Trail
22 - Red Rock Rim Connector Trail
23 - Red Rock Rim Connector Trail 2
24 - Red Rock Rim Cutoff Trail
25 - Red Rock Rim Trail
26 - Ridgeline Trail
27 - Roundup Trail
28 - Sand Canyon Cutoff Trail
29 - Sand Canyon Trail
30 - Section 16 Area Trail
31 - Section 16 Connection Trail
32 - Unknown Name Trail 20
33 - Upper Dog Loop Trail
34 - Waterfall Trail
35 - White Acres Trail
Area Trailheads:
1 - Lion Trail
2 - Palmer - Section 16 Trail
3 - Red Rock Canyon Acess Trail
4 - Sand Canyon Trail
Area Campgrounds: