
Hillshading Background

Located on the southern end of the Medicine Bow Mountain Range in north central Colorado, the 78,000- acre Rawah Wilderness was designated by the Wilderness Act of 1964. "Rawah" is a native American term meaning "wild place".

Elevations in the Rawah Wilderness range from 8,400 to 13,000 feet. The high peaks were carved by glaciers, resulting in spectacular cirque lakes and moraines. There are twenty-five named lakes, ranging in size from five to 39 acres. This high alpine area contains the headwaters of the McIntyre, Rawah, and Fall Creeks, as well as the Laramie River. The Rawahs are host to mammals such as elk, moose, mule deer, black bear, bighorn sheep, marmot and beaver. There are many species of birds including the red-tailed hawk, white-tailed ptarmigan, golden eagle, raven, Steller's Jay and a variety of warblers.

Lakes and streams are inhabited with lake, cutthroat, rainbow and brown trout. Graylings are also found in this area.

The Rawah Wilderness is becoming very popular with summer backpackers, hikers and anglers. It is also popular with hunters in the fall. To encounter the fewest people, plan your trip for mid-week and use less popular of the 85 miles of trails.

Rawah Wilderness in the Medicine Bow Mountains
refractor, Rawah Wilderness, CC BY 2.0
Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 78,000 acres US Forest Service:
Canyon Lakes Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed on leash 124 8,120ft - 12,960ft
Location overview of Rawah Wilderness Hiking Map

CO Wilderness Series Maps

Rawah Wilderness Hiking Map


CO Wilderness Series Map Packs

Fort Collins Area Backpacking Map Set


Rawah Wilderness Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Blue Lake Trail #959
2 - Camp Lake Loop Trail #968.1
3 - Camp Lake Trail #968
4 - Cutoff Trail
5 - East Sand Dunes Area Trails 1
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Blue Lake Trail #959
2 - Camp Lake Loop Trail #968.1
3 - Camp Lake Trail #968
4 - Cutoff Trail
5 - East Sand Dunes Area Trails 1
6 - East Sand Dunes Area Trails 2
7 - East Sand Dunes Area Trails 3
8 - East Sand Dunes Area Trails 4
9 - East Sand Dunes Trail
10 - HohnKolz Lakes Trail #143.A
11 - Jack Dickens Trail
12 - Link Trail #963
13 - Lost Lake Trail #982
14 - McIntyre Creek Trail #996
15 - McIntyre Lake Spur Trail
16 - McIntyre Lake Trail #964
17 - McIntyre Trail #966
18 - Medicine Bow Trail #965
19 - Mendenhall Trail
20 - Montgomery Pass North Trail - Primitive
21 - Montgomery Pass Trail #986
22 - North Middle Mountain Trail
23 - Rawah Lake No 3 Trail
24 - Rawah Spur Trail
25 - Rawah Trail #961
26 - Sandbar Lakes Spur Trail #972.1
27 - Sandbar Lakes Trail #972
28 - Shipman Park Spur Trail
29 - Shipman Park Trail #974 - Primitive
30 - Spur Trail
31 - Twin Crater Lakes Trail #962
32 - Upper Camp Lake Trail #978
33 - Ute Pass Trail
34 - West Branch Trail #960
35 - Zimmerman Lake Trail #977
Area Trailheads:
1 - Blue Lake Trail #959
2 - East Sand Dunes Area Trails 1
3 - HohnKolz Lakes Trail #143.A
4 - Jack Dickens Trail
5 - McIntyre Trail #966
Area Trailheads:
1 - Blue Lake Trail #959
2 - East Sand Dunes Area Trails 1
3 - HohnKolz Lakes Trail #143.A
4 - Jack Dickens Trail
5 - McIntyre Trail #966
6 - Medicine Bow Trail #965
7 - Mendenhall Trail
8 - Mendenhall Trail
9 - Montgomery Pass Trail #986
10 - Montgomery Pass Trail #986
11 - Rawah Trail #961
12 - Shipman Park Trail #974 - Primitive
13 - West Branch Trail #960
14 - Zimmerman Lake Trail #977
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Aspen Glen Campground
2 - Big South Campground
3 - Browns Park Campground
4 - Chambers Lake Campground
5 - Tunnel Campground