
Hillshading Background

Twelve miles of single-track trails invite trail users to Oil Well Flats with its spectacular views of the valley below and the Sangre De Cristo Mountain range in the distance. Some routes are shared with motorized travelers but most visitors come for mountain biking, dispersed camping, hiking, horseback riding and dog walking. The best time to visit is late September through May when temperatures are comfortable. Visitors share the area with cattle grazing in the meadows and occasionally wildlife and cattle walk the trails. Trailer parking is available in the second parking lot with vehicle parking at the first parking lot. Visitors are encouraged to use the suggested camping sites, marked with a camping symbol. A wet weather gate closes the area to motorized use during wet conditions. This gate location allows some parking for non-motorized trail users. 

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 2,111 acres Bureau of Land Management:
Royal Gorge Field Office
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 30 5,600ft - 6,930ft

Oil Well Flats Trail System Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Access Trail
2 - Anticline Trail
3 - Cooper Mountain Trail
4 - Fire Canyon Trail
5 - Fracture Trail
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Access Trail
2 - Anticline Trail
3 - Cooper Mountain Trail
4 - Fire Canyon Trail
5 - Fracture Trail
6 - Garden Park Area Trails 1
7 - Garden Park Area Trails 2
8 - Garden Park Area Trails 3
9 - Island in the Sky Trail
10 - Path of Least Resistance Trail
11 - Tectonic Shift Trail
12 - Trail #T5935
13 - Trail #T5940
14 - Trail #T5941E
15 - Trail #T5941E
16 - Trail #T5941E Alt
17 - Unconformity Trail
Area Trailheads:
1 - Garden Park Area Trails 1
2 - Garden Park Area Trails 2
3 - Path of Least Resistance Trail
4 - Tectonic Shift Trail
5 - Trailhead
Area Trailheads:
1 - Garden Park Area Trails 1
2 - Garden Park Area Trails 2
3 - Path of Least Resistance Trail
4 - Tectonic Shift Trail
5 - Trailhead
6 - Trail #T5935
7 - Trail #T5941E
Area Campgrounds: