
Hillshading Background

North of the more popular Flat Tops Wilderness is a system of trails for both motorized and non-motorized users alike in the Routt National Forest and White River National Forest.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 163,983 acres US Forest Service:
Yampa Ranger District
Blanco Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 131 6,820ft - 11,130ft

North Flat Tops Hiking Area Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Berry Lake Trail #1196.1
2 - Cherry Creek Trail #1037.1
3 - Corral Creek Trail #1114.1
4 - Cyclone Park Trail #1038.1
5 - Cyclone Trail #1112.1
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Berry Lake Trail #1196.1
2 - Cherry Creek Trail #1037.1
3 - Corral Creek Trail #1114.1
4 - Cyclone Park Trail #1038.1
5 - Cyclone Trail #1112.1
6 - Elk Draw Trail #1209.1
7 - Gill Reservoir Trail #1104.1
8 - Indian Run Trail #1210.1
9 - Long Park Trail #1809
10 - Lost Creek Trail #1808.1
11 - Lost Park Trail #1805.1
12 - Middle Pine Trail #1196.1A
13 - Pagoda Lake Spur Trail - MOTORIZED
14 - Pagoda Lake Trail #1804.1 - MOTORIZED
15 - Salt Park Trail #1114.1A
16 - Snell Creek Trail #1810 - MOTORIZED
17 - South Fork Spur Trail #1113.1A
18 - South Fork Trail #1113.1
19 - Stinsby Trail #1193.1
20 - West Fish Creek ATV Trail #1098.1 - MOTORIZED
21 - West Fish Creek Foot-Horse Trail #1111.1
22 - Windy Point Trail #1195.1
Area Trailheads:
1 - Berry Lake Trail #1196.1
2 - Cyclone Trail #1112.1
3 - Elk Draw Trail #1209.1
4 - Gill Reservoir Trail #1104.1
5 - Indian Run Trail #1210.1
Area Trailheads:
1 - Berry Lake Trail #1196.1
2 - Cyclone Trail #1112.1
3 - Elk Draw Trail #1209.1
4 - Gill Reservoir Trail #1104.1
5 - Indian Run Trail #1210.1
6 - Lost Creek Trail #1808.1
7 - Lost Creek Trail #1808.1
8 - Lost Park Trail #1805.1
9 - North Dunckley Trailhead
10 - Pagoda Lake Trail #1804.1 - MOTORIZED
11 - Pagoda Lake Trail #1804.1 - MOTORIZED
12 - Salt Park Trail #1114.1A
13 - Salt Park Trailhead
14 - Sleepy Cat Peak Trailhead
15 - Snell Creek Trail #1810 - MOTORIZED
16 - South Fork Trail #1113.1
17 - Stinsby Trail #1193.1
18 - West Fish Creek ATV Trail #1098.1 - MOTORIZED
19 - West Fish Creek Foot-Horse Trail #1111.1
Area Campgrounds:
1 - North Fork Campground