
Hillshading Background

Never Summer Wilderness, designated by the United States Congress in 1980, now encompasses a total of 21,090 acres. Never Summer Wilderness shares its eastern boundary with Rocky Mountain National Park and includes diverse landscapes from forested ridges to steep tundra ranging in elevation from 8,900 to 12,520 feet. Spruce, fir and lodgepole pine blanket the lower elevations.

Never Summer Wilderness receives large amounts of rain and snow and provides water to three major rivers: the Colorado, the North Platte, and the Cache la Poudre. Above 10,000 feet, trees grow old and large in ravines that contain excess available moisture. The Bowen Gulch Trail travels about five miles into some of the oldest Spruce and fir trees in the area.

Various ponds and bogs in the north of the Wilderness provide rare habitats for: wood frogs, bog bean, and pygmy shrew. Moose have been reintroduced successfully to the area and several lakes and streams provide habitat for trout.

Never Summer Wilderness offers about 20 miles of trails that lead up gulches and traverse the Continental Divide on two high passes. This area is the scenic backdrop to portions of Trail Ridge Road which travels through Rocky Mountain National Park. Always use Leave No Trace techniques to help keep this area wild, clean, and pristine.

Never Summer Mountains
"Never Summer Mountains, CO 9-12" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by inkknife_2000
Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 21,090 acres US Forest Service:
Sulphur Ranger District
Parks Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed on leash 166 8,830ft - 12,800ft
Rocky Mountain National Park Location Overview

CO Nat'l Forests and Parks Series

Rocky Mountain National Park Hiking Map


CO Wilderness Series Map Packs

Fort Collins Area Backpacking Map Set


Never Summer Wilderness Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - American Lakes Trail
2 - Baker Pass Trail #29.1
3 - Baker Trail #29
4 - Bill Creek Trail #28
5 - Blue Lake Trail #132
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - American Lakes Trail
2 - Baker Pass Trail #29.1
3 - Baker Trail #29
4 - Bill Creek Trail #28
5 - Blue Lake Trail #132
6 - Blue Ridge Trail #20
7 - Bowen Gulch Interperative Trail
8 - Bowen Gulch Trail
9 - Bowen Lake Spur Trail
10 - Bowen Lake Trail #130
11 - Bowen Pass Trail #1136.1
12 - Cascade Chute Trail #33
13 - Cascade Mountain Trail #131
14 - Colorado River Trail
15 - Coyote Valley Trail
16 - Crags Trail
17 - Ditch Road Trail
18 - Grand Ditch Trail
19 - Illinois Ditch Trail #1228 - MOTORIZED
20 - Illinois Pass Trail #25
21 - Jack Creek Trail #1143.1
22 - Jack Park Trail #1186.1
23 - Lake Agnes Trail
24 - Lake of the Clouds Trail
25 - Little Yellowstone Trail
26 - Lulu City Lower Trail
27 - Lulu City Spur Trail
28 - Lulu City Upper Trail
29 - Michigan Ditch Trail
30 - Michigan Lakes High Trail
31 - Michigan River Trail #1138.1
32 - Never Summer Connector Rout - Primitive
33 - Never Summer Spur Trail
34 - Never Summer Trail #1141.1
35 - Red Mountain Trail
36 - Skeleton Gulch Trail
37 - Stage Road Trail
38 - Thunder Pass Cutoff Trail
39 - Thunder Pass Trail
40 - Willow Pass Trail #1140 - MOTORIZED
41 - Willow Pass Trail #1226.1D
Area Trailheads:
1 - American Lakes Trail
2 - Bill Creek Trail #28
3 - Bowen Baker Trailhead
4 - CDT Bowen Gulch to Willow Creek Pass (CO Sec. 38)
5 - CDT Bowen Gulch to Willow Creek Pass (CO Sec. 38)
Area Trailheads:
1 - American Lakes Trail
2 - Bill Creek Trail #28
3 - Bowen Baker Trailhead
4 - CDT Bowen Gulch to Willow Creek Pass (CO Sec. 38)
5 - CDT Bowen Gulch to Willow Creek Pass (CO Sec. 38)
6 - CDT Grand Lake to Bowen Gulch (CO Sec. 37)
7 - CDT Willow Creek Pass to Troublesome Pass (CO Sec. 39)
8 - Colorado River Trail
9 - Coyote Valley Trailhead
10 - Crags Trail
11 - Ditch Road Trail
12 - Illinois Pass Trail #25
13 - Jack Creek Trail #1143.1
14 - Jack Park Trail #1186.1
15 - Lake Agnes Trail
16 - Neota Creek Trail #987
17 - Never Summer Trail #1141.1
18 - Never Summer Trail #1141.1
19 - Willow Pass Trail #1226.1D
20 - Willow Pass Trail #1226.1D
Area Campgrounds: