
Hillshading Background

When many people consider climbing their first fourteener mountain, Mount Sherman is understandably one that is often suggested by climbing veterans. Standing apart from the other Mosquito Range 14ers clustered further north, Mount Sherman enjoys a high-elevation trailhead t 12,000ft (or somewhat lower with a 2WD vehicle) and a one-way distance to the summit of less than 2.5 miles. Accessible by trailheads from the east (from Fairplay) and from the west (from Leadville), beware of heavy crowds on the peak during summer weekends.

Hillshading Background
Location overview of 14ers Series Map 4 of 16
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 35,002 acres US Forest Service:
Leadville Ranger District
South Park Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 35 9,400ft - 14,020ft

Mount Sherman Area Hiking Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Almgren Trail #669 - MOTORIZED
2 - Browns Pass Trail #739 - MOTORIZED
3 - Horseshoe Mountain Trail - PRIMITIVE
4 - Iowa Gulch to Mount Sherman Trail
5 - Limber Grove Trail #648
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Almgren Trail #669 - MOTORIZED
2 - Browns Pass Trail #739 - MOTORIZED
3 - Horseshoe Mountain Trail - PRIMITIVE
4 - Iowa Gulch to Mount Sherman Trail
5 - Limber Grove Trail #648
6 - Louies Loop #660 - MOTORIZED
7 - Mount Sherman Trail
8 - Sheep Creek Trail #645
9 - Sheep Mountain Interconnect Trail #740 - MOTORIZED
10 - Sheep Mountain Trail #691 - MOTORIZED
11 - Sherman Area Trails 1 - Primitive
12 - Sherman Area Trails 2 - Primitive
13 - Sherman Area Trails 3 - Primitive
14 - Sherman Area Trails 4 - Primitive
15 - Sherman Area Trails 5 - Primitive
16 - Sherman Area Trails 6 - Primitive
17 - Sherman Area Trails 7 - Primitive
18 - Tie Hack Trail #659
19 - Twelvemile Lake Trail #684
Area Trailheads:
1 - Browns Pass Trail #739
2 - Iowa Gulch Trailhead
3 - Limber Grove Trail #648
4 - Limber Grove Trail #648
5 - Louies Loop #660
Area Trailheads:
1 - Browns Pass Trail #739
2 - Iowa Gulch Trailhead
3 - Limber Grove Trail #648
4 - Limber Grove Trail #648
5 - Louies Loop #660
6 - Mount Sherman Trail
7 - Sheep Creek Trail #645
8 - Tie Hack Trail #659
9 - Twelvemile Trailhead
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Fourmile Campground
2 - Horseshoe Campground