
Hillshading Background

Mount Massive Wilderness was designated by congress in 1980 and it now has a total of 30,540 acres. All of this wilderness is located in Colorado and is managed by the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Forest Service.
The Mount Massive Wilderness is bordered by the Hunter-Fryingpan Wilderness to the west. Mount Massive (14,421 feet), Colorado's second highest peak, and other mountains of the Sawatch Range have two distinctive characteristics: great height, and a huge, sloping bulk that makes them relatively easy to climb. Nowhere along the Continental Divide does the ground rise higher than the Sawatch Range, the crest of this continent. Just south of the Wilderness stands Mount Elbert at 14,443 feet, Colorado's highest summit. The divide marks the western boundary of this area, with the Hunter-Fryingpan Wilderness immediately to the other side. Dry lodgepole pine forests, typical of the eastern slopes of the divide, cover much of the lower elevations and give way to spruce and fir higher up before all trees yield to alpine tundra.
The Leadville National Fish Hatchery, managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, comprises approximately 2,500 acres. The majority of the Fish Hatchery lies within the boundary of the Mount Massive Wilderness. The hatchery land inside the Wilderness boundary is co-managed by the US Forest Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service. The Forest Service is the principal land manager, protecting the Wilderness resources. The US Fish and Wildlife Service manages the fishery and water resources to protect and perpetuate native fish species.
The Colorado Trail #1776 crosses 10 miles of the eastern region, and only about 10 more miles of trails exist in this Wilderness. Please help keep Wilderness wild by following Leave No Trace practices.

14er Mount Massive in the Mount Massive Wilderness
David Herrera from Albuquerque, NM, Bernalillo, Mount Massive from road by Twin Lakes, CC BY 2.0
Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 30,540 acres US Forest Service:
Leadville Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed on leash 73 9,610ft - 14,420ft
Location overviews of Hunter-Fryingpan / Mount Massive Wilderness Map

Mount Massive Wilderness Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Burro Mine Trail - PRIMITIVE
2 - Busk Creek Trail #1509 - PRIMITIVE
3 - Colorado Midland Cutoff Trail
4 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 10
5 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 9
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Burro Mine Trail - PRIMITIVE
2 - Busk Creek Trail #1509 - PRIMITIVE
3 - Colorado Midland Cutoff Trail
4 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 10
5 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 9
6 - Glacier Creek Skinner Hut Trail #1510
7 - Hagerman Tunnel Trail
8 - Highline Native Access Trail
9 - Highline Native Trail #1489
10 - Kearney Park Trail #T204
11 - Mount Massive North Halfmoon Trail #1451
12 - Mount Massive Trail #1487
13 - North Fork Lake Creek Spur Trail - Primitive
14 - North Fork Lake Creek Trail #1483
15 - North Halfmoon Lakes Spur Trail - PRIMITIVE
16 - North Halfmoon Lakes Trail #1485
17 - Rock Creek Trail #1488
18 - South Willow Creek Trail #1486
19 - Swamp Lake Trail #1492
20 - Turquoise Lake Trail #1493
21 - Windsor Lake Trail #1490
Area Trailheads:
1 - Burro Mine Trailhead
2 - Busk Creek Trail #1509
3 - Busk Creek Trail #1509
4 - Colorado Midland Cutoff Trail
5 - Colorado Midland Cutoff Trail
Area Trailheads:
1 - Burro Mine Trailhead
2 - Busk Creek Trail #1509
3 - Busk Creek Trail #1509
4 - Colorado Midland Cutoff Trail
5 - Colorado Midland Cutoff Trail
6 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 10
7 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 10
8 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 9
9 - Glacier Creek Skinner Hut Trail #1510
10 - Highline Native Trail #1489
11 - Highline Native Trail #1489
12 - Kearney Park Trail #T204
13 - North Fork Lake Creek Trail #1483
14 - North Halfmoon Lakes Trail #1485
15 - South Willow Creek Trail #1486
16 - Timber Lake Trailhead
17 - Turquoise Lake Trail #1493
18 - Turquoise Lake Trail #1493
19 - Windsor Lake Trail #1490
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Baby Doe Campground
2 - Belle of Colorado Campground
3 - Father Dyer Campground
4 - Halfmoon East Campground
5 - Halfmoon West Campground
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Baby Doe Campground
2 - Belle of Colorado Campground
3 - Father Dyer Campground
4 - Halfmoon East Campground
5 - Halfmoon West Campground
6 - Matchless Campground
7 - May Queen Campground
8 - Molly Brown Campground
9 - Printerboy Group Campground
10 - Silver Dollar Campground
11 - Tabor Campground