
Hillshading Background

The Mount Margaret trail system is one of a number of hiking areas near Red Feather Lakes, CO with access into the Roosevelt National Forest via trailheads just off of Co Rd 74E (Red Feather Lakes Road) - the Mount Margaret Trailhead - or further west from trailheads around Dowdy Lake. The trails in this area - some following old logging roads - cross through meadows, sparse stands of lodgepole and Ponderosa pine trees and granite outcroppings with many loop options available to tailor the length of your hike. Elevations range between roughly 8,000ft to 8,200ft across the area.

Hillshading Background
Location overview for the Poudre Canyon Hiking Map

CO Nat'l Forests and Parks Series

Poudre Canyon Topographic Hiking Map

When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 3,060 acres US Forest Service:
Canyon Lakes Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 16 7,220ft - 8,510ft

Mount Margaret Hiking Area Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Columbine Ridge Loop #976.21
2 - Columbine Ridge Trail #976.1
3 - Columbine Trail #976
4 - Divide Trail #979.2
5 - Dowdy Drive Trail
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Columbine Ridge Loop #976.21
2 - Columbine Ridge Trail #976.1
3 - Columbine Trail #976
4 - Divide Trail #979.2
5 - Dowdy Drive Trail
6 - Dowdy Lake Area Connector Trail 1
7 - Dowdy Lake Area Connector Trail 2
8 - Dowdy Lake Area Connector Trail 3
9 - Dowdy Lake Loop Trail
10 - East Dowdy Trail #973.1
11 - East Loop Trail
12 - Frog Pond Trail #973
13 - Frog Pond West Loop #973.2
14 - Lady Moon Area Trails 2 - PRIMITIVE
15 - Mount Margaret Trail #979
16 - North Loop Trail #979.1
Area Trailheads:
1 - Dowdy Lake North Trailhead
2 - Dowdy Lake Trailhead
3 - Mount Margaret Trail #979
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Dowdy Lake Campground
2 - West Lake Campground