
Hillshading Background

Monarch Pass is one of the high mountain passes in Colorado at 11,312ft elevation cutting through a section of the southern Sawatch Range. Accessible year-round (weather-permitting) via US Hwy 50 from Salida, CO to Gunnison, CO, there are numerous hiking opportunities in this area, including the Colorado Trail and the Continental Divide Trail, both of which cross over Highway 50 near the pass. South of the pass is the last stretch of the Sawatch Range containing many high peaks (such as Ouray Peak, a centennial 13er peak at 13,971ft elevation - just shy of being a 14er), accessible mainly from trailheads on the east side of the pass or from parking areas at Monarch Pass itself.

Hillshading Background
Location overview for the Sawtch Range South Hiking Map
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 70,857 acres US Forest Service:
Salida Ranger District
Gunnison Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 218 8,050ft - 13,980ft

Monarch Pass Area Hiking Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Agate Creek Trail #9484 - MOTORIZED
2 - CDT Monarch Alt Trail
3 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 14
4 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 15
5 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 16
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Agate Creek Trail #9484 - MOTORIZED
2 - CDT Monarch Alt Trail
3 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 14
4 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 15
5 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 16
6 - Colorado Trail Spur Trail
7 - Greens Creek Trail #1412 - MOTORIZED
8 - Lime Creek Trail #9485 - MOTORIZED
9 - Lime Ridge Trail #9624
10 - Little Cochetopa Trail #1409
11 - Pass Creek Trail #1411 - MOTORIZED
12 - Rainbow Trail #1336 - MOTORIZED
13 - Silver Creek Trail #1407
14 - Starvation Creek #1408
15 - Trail #9484.1A
16 - Unknown Trail - Primitive
17 - Unknown Trail Marshall Pass Area 1
18 - Waterdog Lakes Trail #1417
Area Trailheads:
1 - Agate Access Trail
2 - Agate Creek Trail #9484
3 - CDT Monarch Pass to Hancock (CO Sec. 19)
4 - CDT Trailhead
5 - CT CDT Trailhead
Area Trailheads:
1 - Agate Access Trail
2 - Agate Creek Trail #9484
3 - CDT Monarch Pass to Hancock (CO Sec. 19)
4 - CDT Trailhead
5 - CT CDT Trailhead
6 - Colorado Trail #1776 - Segment 14
7 - Colorado Trail Spur Trail
8 - Greens Creek Trail #1412
9 - Little Cochetopa Trail #1409
10 - Marshall Pass Trailhead
11 - Mears Junction Area Trailhead
12 - Pass Creek Trail #1411
13 - Rainbow Trail #1336 - MOTORIZED
14 - Silver Creek Trail #1407
15 - Starvation Creek #1408
16 - Starvation Creek #1408
17 - Waterdog Lakes Trail #1417
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Monarch Park Campground
2 - O'Haver Lake Campground