
Hillshading Background

The 41,496-acre Lizard Head Wilderness lies astride the San Juan Mountains, (10 miles southwest of Telluride and 40 miles northeast of Cortez) within Uncompahgre and San Juan National Forests. Wilson Peak (14,017ft), Mt Wilson (14,246ft), and El Diente (14,159ft) are located within the Wilderness.

The domain of more experienced climbers, Mount Wilson and El Diente are connected by a famous knife-edged ridge and considered difficult ascents. The summit of Lizard Head Peak, a 400-foot-tall tower of rotten rock, has been voted as one of Colorado's most dangerous and difficult climbs. Dolores Peak (13,290ft) stands in the most western portion of the Wilderness. On a clear day you can stand in snow on any of the area's high peaks and see the red rock canyon lands of southern Utah to the west.

Most of the Lizard Head Trail #505 is located in this Wilderness. It starts at the junction of County Road 63J /Forest Road #623 and Wilson Mesa Trailhead (East) and ends at Lizard Head Pass south of Telluride. The steep, scenic trail passes waterfalls and ruins of the Morning Star Mine as it ascends along Bilk Creek.

From the north, the Wilderness can be entered on the Lizard Head Rock of Ages, Woods Lake, Elk Creek and Lone Cone trails. From the south, Groundhog Stock Driveway, Navajo Lake, Kilpacker and Cross Mountain Trails enter the Lizard Head Wilderness. Human use is moderate to light on the 37 miles of trails. Always use Leave No Trace techniques to help keep this area wild, clean, and pristine.

Lizard Head Wilderness Cross Peak Ridge
Cross Peak Ridge Walk and Lizard Head; (CC BY 2.0) by AlphaTangoBravo / Adam Baker
Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 41,496 acres US Forest Service:
Norwood Ranger District
Mancos/Dolores Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed on leash 99 9,170ft - 14,250ft
Location overview of Lizard Head Wilderness / Mount Sneffels Wilderness

Lizard Head Wilderness Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Burro Bridge Trail #649
2 - Cross Mountain Trail #637
3 - El Diente Route
4 - Elk Creek Trail #5407
5 - Galloping Goose Trail #5499
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Burro Bridge Trail #649
2 - Cross Mountain Trail #637
3 - El Diente Route
4 - Elk Creek Trail #5407
5 - Galloping Goose Trail #5499
6 - Groundhog Alt Trail
7 - Groundhog Stock Drive Trail #634 - East
8 - Groundhog Stock Drive Trail #634 - West
9 - Groundhog Stock Drive Trail #634 - West 2
10 - Hughes Ditch Trail #5422.1A
11 - Kilpacker Creek Trail
12 - Kilpacker Trail #203
13 - Lizard Head Access Trail
14 - Lizard Head Trail #5505
15 - Lizard Head Trail Alt Access Trail
16 - Lone Cone Spur Trail
17 - Lone Cone To Campground Spur Trail #5426.1B
18 - Lone Cone Trail #5426
19 - Morningstar Trail #5420
20 - Morningstar Trail #5420 - MOTORIZED
21 - Mount Wilson - El Diente Traverse Route
22 - Mount Wilson North Route
23 - Mount Wilson South Route
24 - Mount Wilson Trail
25 - Navajo Lake Spur Trail
26 - Navajo Lake Trail #635
27 - Rock of Ages Trail #5429
28 - School Bus Access Trail - PRIMITIVE
29 - School Bus Trail - PRIMITIVE
30 - Silver Pick Basin Access Trail
31 - Sunshine Trail #5498
32 - Telluride Area Trails 1
33 - Wilson Meadows Trail #5512
34 - Wilson Mesa Spur Trail #5421.1B
35 - Wilson Mesa Trail #5421 East - MOTORIZED
36 - Wilson Mesa Trail #5421 West - MOTORIZED
37 - Wilson Peak Eastern Route - Primitive
38 - Wilson Road Trail
39 - Woods Lake Shore Trail
40 - Woods Lake Trail #5406
41 - Woods Lake Trail #636
Area Trailheads:
1 - Burro Bridge Trail #649
2 - Cross Mountain Trail #637
3 - Galloping Goose Trail #5499
4 - Galloping Goose Trail #5499
5 - Groundhog Stock Drive Trail #634 - West
Area Trailheads:
1 - Burro Bridge Trail #649
2 - Cross Mountain Trail #637
3 - Galloping Goose Trail #5499
4 - Galloping Goose Trail #5499
5 - Groundhog Stock Drive Trail #634 - West
6 - Hughes Ditch Trail #5422.1A
7 - Kilpacker Trail #203
8 - Lizard Head Trail #5505
9 - Lizard Head Trail Alt Access Trail
10 - Lone Cone To Campground Spur Trail #5426.1B
11 - Lone Cone Trail #5426
12 - Lone Cone Trail #5426
13 - Morningstar Trail #5420
14 - Navaho Lake Trailhead
15 - Rock of Ages Trailhead
16 - Sunshine Trail #5498
17 - Sunshine Trail #5498
18 - Wilson Mesa Trail #5421
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Burro Bridge Campground
2 - Cayton Campground
3 - Matterhorn Campground - Norwood RD
4 - Sunshine Campground - Norwood RD
5 - Woods Lake Campground - Norwood RD