
Hillshading Background

The Little Book Cliffs Wilderness Study Area is characterized by gently-sloping plateaus, various small canyons, and four major canyon systems: Main Canyon, Coal Canyon, Cottonwood Canyon and Spring Canyon. These four larger systems are also accompanied by many smaller side canyons. Part of the southern edge of this WSA is dominated by the 2,000-foot-high face of the Book Cliffs. A wild horse herd is also present in this area. Cultural values of the Fremont Culture are found here, as well as several natural bridges and hoodoos. The outstanding scenic beauty and topographic diversity offer excellent opportunities for solitude and unconfined recreation. Activities include hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, and photography. Vegetation consists mainly of sagebrush, rabbitbrush, fourwinged saltbrush, and pinyon-juniper. Fauna includes wild horses, mule deer, elk, mountain lion, black bear, wild turkey, gray fox, raccoon, ringtail, squirrel, coyote, great horned owl, golden eagles, various other raptors, rattlesnake, the collared lizard, and chukar.
There are two routes to access the Little Bookcliffs WSA. Coal Canyon: From Grand Junction take I-70 east to the Cameo exit. Cross the Colorado River and drive past the public service power plant. Stay on the main road approximately 1.5 miles to the parking area. NOTE: the Coal Canyon trailhead is closed to motorized traffic from December 1 - May 30. Debeque/Winter Flats Road: Take I-70 east to the Debeque exit (62). Cross over the Colorado River and stay on the main road, take a left into the town of Debeque (4th Street) to the gas station - take a left and follow the road to the end. Turn right onto Winter Flats Road. Travel approximately 20 miles to a fork in the road. The right branch will take you to the North Soda area (the norther most point of the Wild Horse Area) and the left fork will take you into the Indian Park area. CAUTION: Winter Flats Road is a 4x4 road year-round and usually impassable during winter months and in rainy conditions.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 29,298 acres Bureau of Land Management:
Grand Junction Field Office
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 71 4,800ft - 7,050ft

Little Book Cliffs WSA Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Cottonwood Creek Trail
2 - Cottonwood Spring Trail
3 - Crazy Ed Trail
4 - Gearhart Mine Trail
5 - Hoodoo Trail
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Cottonwood Creek Trail
2 - Cottonwood Spring Trail
3 - Crazy Ed Trail
4 - Gearhart Mine Trail
5 - Hoodoo Trail
6 - Lane Gulch Cutoff Trail
7 - Lane Gulch Trail
8 - Main Canyon Lower Trail
9 - Main Canyon Upper Trail
10 - Mount Garfield Alternate Trail
11 - Mount Garfield - Hoodoo Connector Trail
12 - Mount Garfield Trail
13 - Mount Garfield West Trail
14 - North Soda Trail
15 - Palisade Area Trails 1
16 - Palisade Area Trails 2
17 - Palisade Area Trails 3
18 - Round Mountain Lower Trail
19 - Spring Creek Trail
20 - Stagecoach Alternate Trail
21 - Stagecoach Trail
22 - Tellierco Trail
23 - Ute Trail
24 - YCC Cutoff Trail
25 - YCC Trail
Area Trailheads:
1 - Cottonwood Spring Trail
2 - Gearhart Mine Trail
3 - Hoodoo Trail
4 - Lane Gulch Trail
5 - Main Canyon Lower Trail
Area Trailheads:
1 - Cottonwood Spring Trail
2 - Gearhart Mine Trail
3 - Hoodoo Trail
4 - Lane Gulch Trail
5 - Main Canyon Lower Trail
6 - Mount Garfield Trail
7 - North Soda Trail
8 - Round Mountain Lower Trail
9 - Stagecoach Trail
10 - Tellierco Trail
11 - Ute Trail
12 - YCC Trail
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Low Gap Campground