
Hillshading Background

In the vicinity of the 11,542ft Hoosier Pass south of Breckenridge, CO are a number of trails leading up high into the Tenmile Range - Mosquito Range. This pass is along the Continental Divide and also marks the boundary between Park County and Summit County to the north. Accessible year-round by CO State Highway 9 (weather-permitting), many first see this area attempting Quandary Peak, one of the more accessible and 'easier' 14ers in the state. Also in this area are the McCollough Gulch Trail, Mohawk Lakes Trails and Wheeler National Recreation Trail. On the south side of the pass is a cluster of four 14er peaks known as the Decalibron.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 9,933 acres US Forest Service:
Dillon Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 30 10,080ft - 14,260ft

Hooiser Pass Area Hiking Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Bemrose Area Trail 1
2 - Bemrose Area Trail 2 - PRIMITIVE
3 - Bemrose Trail #9036
4 - Blue Lakes Trail #850W.4A
5 - Burro Trail #80.1
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Bemrose Area Trail 1
2 - Bemrose Area Trail 2 - PRIMITIVE
3 - Bemrose Trail #9036
4 - Blue Lakes Trail #850W.4A
5 - Burro Trail #80.1
6 - Lake Access Trail
7 - Lower Mohawk Lake Shore Trail
8 - Mayflower Lakes Trail #58.1A
9 - McCullough Gulch Trail #43.1
10 - Quandary Peak - West Route
11 - Quandary Peak Trail #47.1
12 - Spruce Creek Trail #58.1
13 - Upper Mohawk Lake Shore Trail
14 - Upper Mohawk Lake Trail #58
15 - Wheeler National Recreation Trail #39.1
16 - Woods Trail N358.1
Area Trailheads:
1 - Bemrose Trailhead
2 - Blue Lakes Trail #850W.4A
3 - Mayflower Lakes Trail #58.1A
4 - McCullough Gulch Trail #43.1
5 - Quandary Peak Trailhead
Area Trailheads:
1 - Bemrose Trailhead
2 - Blue Lakes Trail #850W.4A
3 - Mayflower Lakes Trail #58.1A
4 - McCullough Gulch Trail #43.1
5 - Quandary Peak Trailhead
6 - Spruce Creek Trail #58.1
7 - Trailhead
8 - Wheeler National Recreation Trail #39.1
Area Campgrounds: