
Hillshading Background

Forming the western edge of Lyons, CO in northern Colorado, the 3,900-acre Hall Ranch Open Space has a trail system winding through the Rocky Mountain foothills. Accessible from two trailheads on the west side of Lyons - the Antelope Trailhead in the north and the Hall Ranch Main Trailhead in the south off Hwy 7 - this system connects to the Button Rock Preserve in the neighboring Roosevelt National Forest to the west.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round: sunrise to sunset 4,058 acres Boulder County Parks and Open Space
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
No Dogs Allowed 31 5,340ft - 7,230ft

Hall Ranch Open Space Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Antelope Trail
2 - Bitterbrush Trail
3 - Button Rock - Coulson Gulch Connector Trail
4 - Button Rock Dam Road Trail
5 - Button Rock Trail
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Antelope Trail
2 - Bitterbrush Trail
3 - Button Rock - Coulson Gulch Connector Trail
4 - Button Rock Dam Road Trail
5 - Button Rock Trail
6 - Coulson Gulch Trail #916
7 - Fire Rd No 2 Trail
8 - Log Jam Road Trail
9 - Nelson Loop Trail
10 - Nighthawk Trail
11 - Old Sleepy Lion Trail
12 - Professors Ranch Trail
13 - Reservoir Trail
14 - Sleepy Lion Trail
15 - Unkown Name Trail 2
Area Trailheads:
1 - Antelope Trailhead
2 - Button Rock Dam Road Trail
3 - Coulson Gulch Trail #916
4 - Hall Ranch Open Space Trailhead
Area Campgrounds: