
Hillshading Background

Along Goose Creek Road east of the Lost Creek Wilderness in the Pike National Forest are a number of trails popular with rock climbers. Be aware of private property boundaries in this area around the Lost Valley Ranch and keep in mind that access to Cheeseman Lake is not open to the public. Like the Buffalo Creek Recreation Area to the north, much of this area is in a burn scar with few trees.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 46,946 acres US Forest Service:
South Platte Ranger District
South Platte Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 36 6,450ft - 9,140ft

Goose Creek Road Area Hiking Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Gill Trail #610
2 - Goose Creek Area Trails 1
3 - Goose Creek Area Trails 10
4 - Goose Creek Area Trails 11
5 - Goose Creek Area Trails 12
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Gill Trail #610
2 - Goose Creek Area Trails 1
3 - Goose Creek Area Trails 10
4 - Goose Creek Area Trails 11
5 - Goose Creek Area Trails 12
6 - Goose Creek Area Trails 13
7 - Goose Creek Area Trails 14
8 - Goose Creek Area Trails 15
9 - Goose Creek Area Trails 16
10 - Goose Creek Area Trails 17
11 - Goose Creek Area Trails 18
12 - Goose Creek Area Trails 2
13 - Goose Creek Area Trails 3
14 - Goose Creek Area Trails 4
15 - Goose Creek Area Trails 5
16 - Goose Creek Area Trails 6
17 - Goose Creek Area Trails 7
18 - Goose Creek Area Trails 8
19 - Goose Creek Area Trails 9
20 - Goose Creek Road Area Trails 1
21 - Goose Creek Road Area Trails 2
22 - Goose Creek Road Area Trails 3
23 - Goose Creek Road Area Trails 4
24 - Goose Creek Road Area Trails 5
25 - Longwater Trail #619
26 - Platte RIver Trail #654
27 - Platte Springs Trail #626
28 - Sheep Rock Alt Trail
29 - Sheep Rock Spur Trail
30 - Sheep Rock Trail
Area Trailheads:
1 - Gill Trail #610
2 - Gill Trail #610
3 - Goose Creek Trail #612
4 - Longwater Trail #619
5 - Longwater Trail #619
Area Trailheads:
1 - Gill Trail #610
2 - Gill Trail #610
3 - Goose Creek Trail #612
4 - Longwater Trail #619
5 - Longwater Trail #619
6 - Platte RIver Trail #654
7 - Platte Springs Trail #626
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Goose Creek Campground
2 - Happy Meadows Campground