
Hillshading Background

The Fossil Ridge Wilderness is located approximately 16 miles northeast of the town of Gunnison, Colorado. Covering 32,179 acres, the area is made up of raw granite that overlooks several shallow high mountain lakes and long valleys carved by ancient glaciers. Pine, spruce, fir, and aspen are found here. The limestone ridge rises above 13,000 feet, climbing well beyond the tree line, and contains the fossilized remains of numerous prehistoric sea creatures.

Above Lamphier Lake, a very slim cut in the bare rock called Gunsight Pass opens the ridge for foot travel from South Lottis Creek's drainage to Crystal Creek's drainage. Square Top Mountain, approximately 12,500 feet high and about an hour's worth of climbing above Lamphier Lake, allows a clear view of almost half of Colorado's fourteener peaks.

Past miners searching for gold dug at several sites which are still scarred by their efforts. Elk and deer thrive in the area along with a small group of mountain goats and a larger herd of bighorn sheep.

The Wilderness is surrounded by the Fossil Ridge Recreation Management Area which is approximately 44,000 acres in size. Roads and trails within the Recreation Management Area are open to mechanized and motorized uses.

The 26 miles of trail within the Wilderness are open to foot and horse travel only. Always use Leave No Trace techniques to help keep this area wild, clean, and pristine.

Fossil Ridge Wilderness Fossil Mountain from Lamphier Lake
John Sowell, Fossil Mountain and Lamphier Lake, Fossil Ridge Wilderness, Gunnison County, Colorado, USA, CC BY-SA 4.0
Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 32,179 acres US Forest Service:
Gunnison Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed on leash 73 8,880ft - 13,270ft

Fossil Ridge Wilderness Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Alder Creek Trail #9577
2 - Bear Gulch Trail #9610
3 - Beaver McIntyre Trail #9472
4 - Cameron Gulch Trail #9549 - MOTORIZED
5 - East Willow Trail #9609
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Alder Creek Trail #9577
2 - Bear Gulch Trail #9610
3 - Beaver McIntyre Trail #9472
4 - Cameron Gulch Trail #9549 - MOTORIZED
5 - East Willow Trail #9609
6 - Fairview Peak Trail #9426.1A
7 - Fairview Trail #9426 - MOTORIZED
8 - Five Mile Creek Trail #9433
9 - Fossil Ridge - McIntyre Gulch Connector Trail
10 - Fossil Ridge Trail #9478
11 - Gold Creek Trail #9427 - MOTORIZED
12 - Henry Lake Trail #9429
13 - Lake Spur Trail
14 - Lottis Spur Trail
15 - McIntyre Gulch Trail #9578
16 - Mill Lake Trail #9532
17 - Seely Trail #9617
18 - South Lottis Trail #9428
19 - Summerville Trail #9430
20 - Three Mile Creek Trail #9434
21 - Timber Trail #9613
22 - Van Tuyl Trail #9431
23 - Willow Creek Trail #9479
24 - Willow Mine Trail #9611
Area Trailheads:
1 - Alder Creek Trail #9577
2 - Alder Creek Trail #9577
3 - Bear Gulch Trail #9610
4 - Bear Gulch Trail #9610
5 - Beaver McIntyre Trail #9472
Area Trailheads:
1 - Alder Creek Trail #9577
2 - Alder Creek Trail #9577
3 - Bear Gulch Trail #9610
4 - Bear Gulch Trail #9610
5 - Beaver McIntyre Trail #9472
6 - Cameron Gulch Trail #9549
7 - East Willow Trail #9609
8 - Five Mile Creek Trail #9433
9 - Fossil Ridge Trail #9478
10 - Gold Creek Trail #9427
11 - Gold Creek Trail #9427
12 - South Lottis Trail #9428
13 - South Lottis Trail #9428
14 - Summerville Trail #9430
15 - Three Mile Creek Trail #9434
16 - Timber Trail #9613
17 - Timber Trail #9613
18 - Willow Creek Trail #9479
19 - Willow Mine Trail #9611
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Cold Spring Campground - Gunnison RD
2 - Gold Creek Campground - Gunnison RD
3 - Lodgepole Campground - Gunnison RD
4 - Lottis Creek Campground - Gunnison RD