
Hillshading Background

The small Filius Park north of Evergreen, CO just off the Evergreen Parkway exit from Interstate 70 is more of a place to come for a picnic than for a hike. The short trails in the area lead to multiple picnic sites and do not connect to any other public hiking areas.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round 110 acres Denver Mountain Parks
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed on leash 1 7,720ft - 8,040ft

Fillius Park Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Fillius Park Trail 1
2 - Fillius Park Trail 2
Area Trailheads:
1 - Fillius Park Trailhead
Area Campgrounds: