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The Dominguez Canyon Wilderness now contains a total of 66,280 acres and is managed by the Bureau of Land Management. All of the Wilderness is in the state of Colorado. In 2009 the Dominguez Canyon Wilderness became part of the now over 109 million acre National Wilderness Preservation System.

In wilderness, you can enjoy challenging recreational activities and extraordinary opportunities for solitude. Please follow the regulations in place for this area, and use Leave No Trace techniques when visiting to ensure protection of its unique natural and experiential qualities.

Dominguez Canyon Wilderness
My Public Lands Roadtrip: Dominguez-Esca" (CC BY 2.0) by mypubliclands
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When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 66,280 Bureau of Land Management:
Uncompahgre Field Office
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs must be leashed in developed areas 84 4,720ft - 8,170ft

Dominguez Canyon Wilderness Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
3 - Bad Land Trail #2635
4 - Big Dominguez Trail
5 - Black Point Trail #2613
Area Hiking Trails:
3 - Bad Land Trail #2635
4 - Big Dominguez Trail
5 - Black Point Trail #2613
6 - Cactus Park Trail
7 - Historic Route of the Gunnison Pack Trail
8 - Little Dominguez Creek Trail
9 - McCarty Trail
10 - Upper Bar X Trail
11 - Winter Camp Trail #2645
Area Trailheads:
1 - Bad Land Trail #2635
2 - Bad Land Trail #2635
3 - Big Dominguez Trail
4 - Big Dominguez Trail
5 - Black Point Trail #2613
Area Trailheads:
1 - Bad Land Trail #2635
2 - Bad Land Trail #2635
3 - Big Dominguez Trail
4 - Big Dominguez Trail
5 - Black Point Trail #2613
6 - Cactus Park Trail
7 - Historic Route of the Gunnison Pack Trail
8 - McCarty Trail
9 - McCarty Trail
10 - Winter Camp Trail #2645
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Dominguez Campground