
Hillshading Background

The Demaree Wilderness Study Area is located in Garfield and Mesa counties, approximately 25 miles northwest of Grand Junction. The Demaree WSA is characterized by four large, north-to-south canyons that dissect the high desert terrain between East Salt Creek and West Salt Creek. The Book Cliffs form the southern boundary, breaking the topography between this WSA and the Grand Valley. Vegetation consists of scattered pinyon-juniper woodlands, sagebrush, and mountain shrub communities. Fauna includes mule deer, elk, mountain lion, black bear, wild turkey, gray fox, raccoon, ringtail, squirrel, coyote, great horned owl, golden eagles, various other raptors, rattlesnake, and the collared lizard. Solitude and scenic vistas of the La Sal Mountains and the Grand Mesa are enjoyed from high points along the ridge top. Activities include hiking and backpacking off trail in a remote primitive setting where backcountry skills and knowledge are necessary.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 22,713 acres Bureau of Land Management:
Grand Junction Field Office
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 3 5,180ft - 7,590ft

Demaree Canyon WSA Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Demaree Canyon Trail - Primitive
Area Trailheads:
1 - Demaree Canyon Trail - Primitive
Area Campgrounds: