
Hillshading Background

The Castle Peak Wilderness Study Area is a semi-primitive backcountry area with no facilities. There is no motorized or mechanized use within the WSA to help preserve erosive soils, wildlife, scenic values, water quality and cultural resources. The WSA is located in Eagle County. From Wolcott, CO, go north on Colorado 131 about 3 miles and turn left (west) on Milk Creek Road. Proceed about 2 miles to the trailhead, on the right by the power line. The trail follows an old jeep trail running northwest. The trail is easy to moderately difficult, with a few steep stretches. Castle Peak, the namesake of the WSA, is a prominent, basalt formation with steep, rugged slopes. Four outstanding geologic formations of sedimentary and volcanic origins from Cretaceous to Pleistocene time are exposed in the area. The WSA contains several peaks that stand around 10,000 feet in elevation. From the main peak, topography varies from gently rolling hills to basins and meadows. With many springs, small lakes, and the headwaters of Milk Creek, Alkali Creek, Big Alkali Creek, Catamount Creek, Norman Creek and Castle Creek, the WSA provide abundant wetlands and aquatic habitat and in some waters, support trout. The main vegetation types include sagebrush/mesic mountain shrub, aspen, spruce-fir, and a number of grassy meadows replete with wildflowers. Fauna includes Rocky Mountain elk, mule deer, black bear, bobcat, mountain lion, coyote, beaver, raptors, and waterfowl. Opportunities for hiking, backpacking, camping, snowshoeing, fishing, hunting and photography abound.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 12,096 acres Bureau of Land Management:
Colorado River Valley Field Office
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 34 8,290ft - 11,280ft

Castle Peak WSA Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Picture Lake Alt Trail
2 - Picture Lake Trail
3 - Trail #8511
4 - Trail #8511A
5 - Trail #8511C
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Picture Lake Alt Trail
2 - Picture Lake Trail
3 - Trail #8511
4 - Trail #8511A
5 - Trail #8511C
6 - Trail #8511G
7 - Trail #8511H
8 - Trail #8516
9 - Trail #8516B
10 - Trail #8517
11 - Trail #8518
12 - Trail #8518A
13 - Trail #8518C
14 - Trail #8519
15 - Trail #8519C
16 - Trail #8521
17 - Trail #8521A
18 - Trail #8522
Area Trailheads:
1 - Castle Peak WSA Trails 12
2 - Picture Ridge Trailhead
3 - Poison Trailhead
4 - Trailhead
Area Campgrounds: