
Hillshading Background

Buffalo Peaks Wilderness, encompassing 41,232 acres, was congressionally designated in 1993. It get its name from the thirteen thousand foot Buffalo Peaks located 15 miles southwest of Fairplay, Colorado. Elevations range from 9,200 to 13,326 feet from sea level. This area differs from other surrounding Wilderness areas by virtue of its high potential for solitude.

Conifers and aspens intermingle with rolling meadows of grasses and wildflowers. The fall color display is spectacular. The dark double summits of Buffalo Peaks are two highly eroded volcanic mountains that were active some 28 million years ago. These aspects offer wonderful experiences for all levels of naturalists.

Please help keep Wilderness wild by following Leave No Trace practices.

Buffalo Peak Wilderness
Jeffrey Beall, Buffalo Peaks Wilderness 2020, CC BY 4.0
Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 41,232 acres US Forest Service:
South Park Ranger District
Leadville Ranger District
Salida Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed on leash 56 8,990ft - 13,340ft

Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Brush Park Access Trail
2 - Buffalo Pass Access Trail
3 - Buffalo Peaks Area Trails 1
4 - Buffalo Peaks Area Trails 2
5 - Buffalo Peaks Area Trails 3
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Brush Park Access Trail
2 - Buffalo Pass Access Trail
3 - Buffalo Peaks Area Trails 1
4 - Buffalo Peaks Area Trails 2
5 - Buffalo Peaks Area Trails 3
6 - Buffalo Peaks Area Trails 4
7 - Buffalo Peaks Area Trails 4 - PRIMITIVE
8 - Buffalo Peaks Area Trails 5
9 - Buffalo Peaks Area Trails 6
10 - Buffalo Ridge Spur Trail - PRIMITIVE
11 - Buffalo Ridge Trail #1470
12 - Hayden Gulch Trail #1519 - PRIMITIVE
13 - Low Pass Trail #1518
14 - RIch Creek Trail #616
15 - Ridgeview Spur Trail #656.A
16 - Ridgeview Trail #656
17 - Salt Creek Access Trail
18 - Salt Creek Trail #618
19 - Trail 425.A
20 - Tumble Creek East Shore Trail
21 - Tumble Creek Trail #617
22 - Twobit Gulch Trail #1446
23 - Unknown Name Trail
Area Trailheads:
1 - Brush Park Trailhead
2 - Buffalo Pass Trailhead
3 - Hayden Gulch Trail #1519
4 - Low Pass Trailhead
5 - Rich Creek Trailhead
Area Trailheads:
1 - Brush Park Trailhead
2 - Buffalo Pass Trailhead
3 - Hayden Gulch Trail #1519
4 - Low Pass Trailhead
5 - Rich Creek Trailhead
6 - Ridgeview Trail #656
7 - Salt Creek Trail #618
8 - Salt Creek Trailhead
9 - Trailhead
10 - Trailhead
11 - Trailhead
12 - Tumble Creek Trail #617
13 - Twobit Gulch Trail #1446
Area Campgrounds:
1 - Buffalo Springs Campground
2 - Weston Pass Campground