
Hillshading Background

Just south of the towns of Parachute, CO and Rifle, CO lies a large mesa called Battlement Mesa. Between the Colorado River to the north and Plateau Creek to the south, Battlement Mesa is managed by the White River National Forest in the northern half and Grand Mesa National Forest in the southern half. Similar to the Grand Mesa geologically, but less prominent and less visited, Battlement Mesa is crisscrossed by a number of hiking trails, many of which are shared by motorized recreation users as well.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 185,089 acres US Forest Service:
Rifle Ranger District
Grand Valley Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 95 5,030ft - 11,120ft

Battlement Mesa Area Hiking Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Battlement Connector Trail
2 - Battlement Trail #2160
3 - Battlement Trail #2160.5
4 - Battlement Trail #2527 - MOTORIZED
5 - Boundary Cutoff Trail #2526 - MOTORIZED
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Battlement Connector Trail
2 - Battlement Trail #2160
3 - Battlement Trail #2160.5
4 - Battlement Trail #2527 - MOTORIZED
5 - Boundary Cutoff Trail #2526 - MOTORIZED
6 - Boundary Trail #2525 - MOTORIZED
7 - Brush Creek Trail #2529 - MOTORIZED
8 - Cayton Gulch Trail #2162.1
9 - Divide Trail #2523 - MOTORIZED
10 - East Brush Creek Trail #2504 - MOTORIZED
11 - East Fork Trail #2172W.1M
12 - Hawxhurst Trail #2350 - MOTORIZED
13 - Hightower Trail #2524 - MOTORIZED
14 - Kimball Creek Trail #2532 - MOTORIZED
15 - Lake Fork Trail #2172.1
16 - Lava Creek Trail
17 - Muddy Creek Trail #2172.1A
18 - Owens Loop Trail #2539 - MOTORIZED
19 - Reno Gulch Trail #2163.1
20 - Smalley Mountain Trail #2531 - MOTORIZED
21 - Trail #2160.2E
22 - Trail #2164
Area Trailheads:
1 - Battlement Trail #2160
2 - Battlement Trail #2160
3 - Battlement Trail #2160.5
4 - Battlement Trail #2160.5
5 - Battlement Trail #2527 - MOTORIZED
Area Trailheads:
1 - Battlement Trail #2160
2 - Battlement Trail #2160
3 - Battlement Trail #2160.5
4 - Battlement Trail #2160.5
5 - Battlement Trail #2527 - MOTORIZED
6 - Boundary Cutoff Trail #2526 - MOTORIZED
7 - Boundary Trail #2525 - MOTORIZED
8 - Brush Creek Trail #2529 - MOTORIZED
9 - Cayton Gulch Trail #2162.1
10 - Hawxhurst Trail #2350 - MOTORIZED
11 - Hightower Trail #2524 - MOTORIZED
12 - Kimball Creek Trail #2532 - MOTORIZED
13 - Lake Fork Trail #2172.1
14 - Lava Creek Trail
15 - Lava Creek Trail
16 - Muddy Creek Trail #2172.1A
17 - Owens Loop Trail #2539 - MOTORIZED
18 - Owens Loop Trail #2539 - MOTORIZED
19 - Reno Gulch Trail #2163.1
20 - Reno Gulch Trail #2163.1
21 - Trail #2160.2E
22 - Trail #2164
Area Campgrounds: