
Hillshading Background

The Bangs Canyon Special Recreation Management Area is a mixed-use area popular with motorized trail users as well as those on foot. Just a short drive south of Grand Junction, CO down Little Park Road area a number of trailheads for motorized and non-motorized trails alike. This arid, high desert canyon environment has countless exploration opportunities across BLM-managed land.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 11,774 acres Bureau of Land Management:
Grand Junction Field Office
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed - must be on leash in developed areas 46 4,570ft - 7,030ft

Bangs Canyon Area Hiking Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Bangs Canyon Trail
2 - Billings Canyon Loop Trail 1 - Motorized
3 - Billings Canyon Loop Trail 2 - Motorized
4 - Billings Canyon Loop Trail 3 - Motorized
5 - Billings Canyon Loop Trail 4 - Motorized
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Bangs Canyon Trail
2 - Billings Canyon Loop Trail 1 - Motorized
3 - Billings Canyon Loop Trail 2 - Motorized
4 - Billings Canyon Loop Trail 3 - Motorized
5 - Billings Canyon Loop Trail 4 - Motorized
6 - Butterknife Trail - MOTORIZED
7 - Canyon View Trail - MOTORIZED
8 - Easy Rider Trail- MOTORIZED
9 - Good Vibes Trail - MOTORIZED
10 - Gunnector Trail
11 - Gunny Loop Access Trail
12 - Gunny Loop Trail
13 - Hell's Hole Trail - MOTORIZED
14 - Holy Bucket Trail
15 - Klunkerz Trail
16 - Nut Trail - MOTORIZED
17 - Quad Rocker Trail - MOTORIZED
18 - Redland Road Access Trail
19 - Rocky Stumble Trail - MOTORIZED
20 - Rough Canyon Trail
21 - The Ribbon Trail
22 - Tornado Trail
23 - Trail #623
Area Trailheads:
1 - Bangs Canyon Trailhead
2 - Little Park Trailhead
3 - Old Kiln Trailhead
4 - Redland Road Access Trail
5 - Ribbon Trailhead
Area Trailheads:
1 - Bangs Canyon Trailhead
2 - Little Park Trailhead
3 - Old Kiln Trailhead
4 - Redland Road Access Trail
5 - Ribbon Trailhead
6 - Rough Canyon Trail
7 - Third Flats Trailhead
Area Campgrounds: