
Hillshading Background

The Arkansas Hills Trail System is accessible right form downtown Salida, CO just across the Arkansas River. Found on land owned by the city of Salida as well as BLM land further east, this area is popular with both mountain bikers and hikers, and trails connect all the way to the San Isabel National Forest west of Salida. This area receives little snowfall in the winter, allowing for more snow-free conditions than areas outside Salida with similar elevations.

Hillshading Background
When Open? Area Acres Operated By
Year-round; 24 hours a day 11,561 acres City of Salida Parks and Recreation

US Forest Service:
Salida Ranger District
Dogs Allowed? Miles of Trail Max/Min Elev (ft)
Dogs allowed on leash 31 6,980ft - 9,820ft

Arkansas Hills Trail System Trail and Map Finder

Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Backbone Trail
2 - Burnpile Trail
3 - Cottonwood Gulch Trail
4 - Cottonwood Trail
5 - Crater Mountain Trail
Area Hiking Trails:
1 - Backbone Trail
2 - Burnpile Trail
3 - Cottonwood Gulch Trail
4 - Cottonwood Trail
5 - Crater Mountain Trail
6 - Frontside Trail
7 - Hatch Trail
8 - Hooligan Trail
9 - Jalapeno Trail
10 - Lil Rattler Trail
11 - North Backbone Trail
12 - Pauli Trail
13 - Poblano Trail
14 - Prospector Trail
15 - Rhumba Trail
16 - Salsa Trail
17 - Sand Dunes Trail
18 - Sergent Pepper Trail
19 - Sweet Dreams Trail
20 - Tenderfoot Trail
21 - The Dude Abides Trail
22 - Trail #T5677A
23 - Trail #T5677I
24 - Trail #T5677J
25 - Unkle Nazty Trail
Area Trailheads:
1 - Lil Rattler Trail
2 - North Backbone Trail
3 - Rhumba Trail
4 - Salsa Trail
5 - Sand Dunes Trail
Area Trailheads:
1 - Lil Rattler Trail
2 - North Backbone Trail
3 - Rhumba Trail
4 - Salsa Trail
5 - Sand Dunes Trail
6 - Sergent Pepper Trail
7 - Sweet Dreams Trail
Area Campgrounds: